At least one third of a person’s life is spent in sleep. Sleep is an extremely important physiological function to maintain human life, as water and food are indispensable to human beings. Insomnia is the enemy of life and health, which should be paid enough attention to. Many people mistakenly believe that insomnia will not affect people’s health and delay treatment; little do they know that long-term insomnia will lead to brain dysfunction, causing a variety of harm to the body, insomnia seriously affects physical and mental health.
Insomnia is a health problem faced by most people at present. It is well known that sleep accounts for one third of a person’s life, but people still know little about the occurrence and function of sleep, and various sleep disorders are increasing, among which insomnia is one of the most common clinical symptoms.
The causes of insomnia are varied. According to the statistics of Western scientists, there are no less than 40 causes of insomnia. For example, some are caused by physical illness, physical discomfort, some by taking drugs and some exciting drinks, some by excessive daytime activity, very excited, resulting in brain nerve activity disorder and insomnia, others by excessive stimulation, strong desire or excessive anxiety, worry is difficult to fall asleep. Generally speaking, the most important factors are psychological factors and environmental factors.
失眠是目前大多数人面临的健康问题,众所周知,睡眠占人得一生 1/3 时间, 但人们至今对睡眠的发生和功能等仍知之甚少, 而各种睡眠障碍疾病却日益增多, 其中失眠是最常见的临床症状之一。
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